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If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.
-Ignacio ‘Nacho’ Estrada

My name is Marie-Eve Lapierre, and I am an elementary school teacher and technology resource. I did not realize my love for teaching until I was in my mid twenties. While in Cegep, I received the opportunity to “Peer Teach” as part of my language arts requirements. Throughout the class, I learned how to assess both skill levels and progress, as well as learn to make and tailor lesson plans. This course was extremely difficult and time consuming, and I enjoyed every minute of it. This class is what made me decide to enroll in elementary education at McGill University. 

I decided to pursue my studies in elementary education because I believe that I have the love, patience, understanding, creativity, and ability to teach engaging lessons that a truly exceptional teacher possesses. I have never felt more at ease then when I step into a classroom. I truly love to create lessons for the students that I teach, and am constantly amazed at the progress that a student shows when I work with him/her. I see every student as individuals, each with his/her own strengths and weaknesses, and enjoy finding new and inventive ways to get through to each and every one of my students.

My life before my studies has also helped me in the classroom. My background in Multimedia Techniques has been very useful in the creation of vibrant and engaging artifacts to use in the classroom and as part of lessons. My years spent as an administrative support, whether in customer service, secretarial, or in digitizing, has left me with great organizational skills, as aspect that is very important for  an efficient classroom. And, of course, my two children have taught me patience and understanding, traits that I believe are essential in a classroom.

I have been teaching full time for over 3 years now, and I know that the decision that I made to pursue this career was the right one.

I hope that, by going through my portfolio, you will get the sense of who I am, and who I aspire to become as a teacher.

© 2020 par Marie-Eve Lapierre.


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